ISW61 - thanks for posting and hope you stick around.
For me it is very hard to accept your proposition that JWs are more good than bad.
All I see from my perspective is harm. I see an organisation that uses abusive psychological manipulation based on fear, guilt and shame to impose conformity and absolute obedience.
If you read the stories of people on this site you will see the damage the organisation has caused.
The organisation has a "blame the victim" approach to this and I suspect you will see it from this persepctive but if you read these stories with an open heart hopefully you will start to understand.
From my personal experience I can tell you that my sister-in-law (she committed suicide 10 years ago) would still be alive today if not for the fact the the family are under the control of the organsiation and the elders backed her into a corner so she felt she had nowhere to turn.
I would also encourage you to look at your fellow man with an open heart and yes you see a lot of bad behaviour which the media highlights but you will also see humanity, kindness and selflessness and in my view the good of humanity outweighs the bad and if you look at statistics about crime, poverty and war (ratrher than be influenced by hedlines) you will see that civilization has been improving over time - not the reverse as is portrayed by the organisation. The organisation is heavily invested in portraying the world as bad - it is one of the tactics to isolate and control. I would encourage you to look at this question with an open mind and without the organisation's blinkers - you will be surprised by what you find.
Good luck